
Friday, December 26, 2014

Hello... Again

Good morning everyone! 

Wow, it has been a long time since I've posted anything new here. Like years. Yeah... Well, to be fair to myself we have been pretty busy: moving from Nashville, TN back up north to Wisconsin, surviving three months of living with my mom in her tiny, TINY home until the renters were out of our house, remodeling our old house and making it ours again, dealing with a major loss in the family, getting the kids settled in a new school, starting new jobs, etc. etc... But now that the dust has settled and I finally seem to have time to breathe again, I figure now is as good a time as any to get this little blog back up and running. 

And boy have I got plenty in store!

The bright side of my little hiatus is the massive stockpile of crafts, projects, recipes, and opinions I've been saving up just for you. Not that I'm bragging (or maybe I am, just a little) but I've managed to accomplish a lot since the last time we were here. From painting our kitchen cabinets, to refinishing the dining table, to discovering a new love of decoupage, I've got tons of before and afters to share. I've even kicked my "made from scratch" recipes up a notch or two and the results have been (mostly!) delicious. ;)

So climb aboard, or saddle up, or grab hold of your big girl pants, or whatever, and stay tuned for my next installment. We'll be seeing a lot more of each other real soon. (btw that sounded a lot less creepy in my head.)

Until next time!